I think of you
from the time I awake and
off and on
if I allow
my mind to wander.
Our meeting and parting
is a tangible expression of what I know and feel I have always known about you and me,
something more than my body,
more than your body,
something more than my words,
more than your words.
It is a feeling and it is a thought
and it is more and less than both.
And sometimes it is neither and only feels like a memory.
It is more powerful than the human expression of love and it is not lust,
but it is like something of both.
but it is like something of both.
I try to put into words and I find it impossible.
I only know that there is something that is the very essence of what is me
that feels that something that is the very essence of you
is delicately intertwined.
I hope you can understand:
I have known you and will always know you despite what events happen in this lifetime.