Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"Homemade" Pita Chips: Recipe, Calorie Count and Tips

So, shockingly, I had 250+ views in two days on my Healthy Eating Post.  Obviously there are many of you who are interested in getting fit. 

I personally believe that diet is 70% of getting in shape and exercise is the rest.  Having said that, here is a simple recipe that can be used as a snack, lunch, or developed into a full dinner (I replace the Tostitos chips with these). I'd like to give some thanks to Rick Turner for inspiring me (via Betty Turner) for this simple recipe.

10-15 minutes prep and cook time.  Kid friendly.  Let the kids help with this recipe!

Homemade Pita Chips :
Two Joseph's Pita pockets (I buy these at Wal-Mart in front of the deli section)
Clove of Garlic or you can use minced garlic
Sea Salt to taste
Pepper to Taste
1 tbsp. Olive Oil

Preheat oven to 350.

  1. Use two of the pitas.  I slice them into 8s with a pizza slicer.  Place them on an aluminum lined baking sheet (easy clean up!). 
  2. Put the olive oil, crush your garlic clove, sea salt (Avoid table salt) pepper and any other spice you'd like in a dish.  If it's easier, you can use seasoning salt.  Mix with your pastry brush. 
  3. Brush the pita chips with the olive oil mixture.  Place in oven for 8-10 minutes until they start to brown.  Take them out and let them sit to cool.  When they cool, they will crispen.
(Unfortunately, they don't store well, so eat them all up.  I find when they store they get soft.)

Wa-la. You are done.  Throw away the aluminum foil and you don't even have much clean up!

Here is my lunch today (see photo below):
  • 2 pitas made into homemade chips: 120 calories
  • Two tbsp. Roasted Red Pepper Hummus: 60 calories
  • 1 cup colored bell peppers: 50 calories
  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese: 90 calories
  • The 1 tablespoon of olive oil: 120 calories

(Olive oil is GOOD fat.  But remember, eat it in moderation! It can help lower cholesterol and reduce other risks. For more info: )

440 calories.   These are ALL healthy calories.


Today's Tip:
Keep measuring spoons and cups within an easy grasp in the kitchen and measure everything.  In our culture we OVEREAT because we do not pay attention to proper portion sizes.  After a while. you will understand what an appropriate portion looks like.

Also, if you're trying to lose weight:
How many calories do you need?
Find out how many calories you need to lose weight.  I used the myfitnesspal app.  It was so helpful.  I learned a ton about foods by using it.  I needed 1,200 calories a day during my "cutting back" stage.  That was a goal and some days I met it and some days I was slightly over.  Know how many calories you are eating everyday, even if it's just an estimate. 

**Please remember I am not a dietician nor a nutritionist.  Seek advice from your doctor before starting any fitness/diet routine.


  1. I'm excited that you are doing a bolg on this stuff April! It's been very helpful so far! Keep up the good work woman!

  2. Thanks, Emma! I appreciate the feedback!!! :)
